
454 products

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ACCU-M-8270-04BSemi-Volatile by Capillary Column GC/MS Mix 4B, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-04B-R1Method 8270 Semi-Volatile Mix 4B-R1, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-05Semi-Volatile by Capillary Column GC/MS Mix 5, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-06Semi-Volatile by Capillary Column GC/MS Mix 6, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-07Appendix lX Semi-Volatiles Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-08Appendix lX Semi-Volatiles Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-09Appendix lX Semi-Volatiles Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-22Method 8270 Semi-Volatile Additions, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-23-R1Method 8270 Semi-Volatile Additions, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-24Method 8270 Semi-Volatile Additions, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-AG01-ASLAccuGrand 8270 Semi-Volatile Standard, Methylene Chloride/Benzene (75:25)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-AG02-ASLAccuGrand 8270 Semi-Volatile Standard, 1000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-R1-SETSemi-Volatile by Capillary Column GC/MS7 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-R2-SETMethod 8270 Semi-Volatile Mixes7 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-R-SETMethod 8270 Semi-Volatile Mixes7 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-SETSemi-Volatile by Capillary Column GC/MS7 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8275Semi Volatiles by Thermal Chromatography, 1000 µg/mL in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VH-1Group 16 - Volatiles, Halogenated, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VH-1/VH-2-SETGroup 16 - Volatiles, Halogenated2 x 1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VH-1-PAKGroup 16 - Volatiles, Halogenated, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VH-2Group 16 - Volatiles, Halogenated, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VH-2-PAKGroup 16 - Volatiles, Halogenated, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VNHGroup 17 - Volatiles, Non-Halogenated, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-MISA-VNH-PAKGroup 17 - Volatiles, Non-Halogenated, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-VOA-1Volatiles - Mix 1, 50 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-VOA-1-PAKVolatiles - Mix 1, 50 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-VOA-2Volatiles - Mix 2, 50 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-VOA-2-PAKVolatiles - Mix 2, 50 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-VOBDiscretionary Aromatic Volatiles Mix, 50 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-VOB-PAKDiscretionary Aromatic Volatiles Mix, 50 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-VOC-1Volatile Organic Contaminants - Mix 1, 50 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-VOC-1-PAKVolatile Organic Contaminants - Mix 1, 50 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-VOC-2Volatile Organic Contaminants - Mix 2, 50 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-VOC-2-PAKVolatile Organic Contaminants - Mix 2, 50 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-S-168AAppendix-IX Volatiles Mix Standard, 0,5 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-S-168-R1-SETAppendix-IX Semi-Volatiles Set2 x 1 mL
ACCU-S-181MAppendix-IX Volatiles Mix, 0,1 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-S-989Wisconsin DNR VOC Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-ASemi-Volatile Spiking Solution, 2,0 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-A-PAKSemi-Volatile Spiking Solution, 2,0 mg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNSemi-Volatile Spiking Mixture, 2,0 mg/mL in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNASemi-Volatile Spiking Solution, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNA-1312Method 1312 - Semi-Volatiles, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNA-1312-PAKMethod 1312 - Semi-Volatiles, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)5 x 1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNA-PAKSemi-Volatile Spiking Solution, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)5 x 1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNA-QCTCLP - Semi-Volatiles, Varied conc, in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BNA-SETSemi-Volatile Spiking Mixtures Set2 x 1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-BN-PAKSemi-Volatile Spiking Mixture, 2,0 mg/mL in Acetone5 x 1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-QCVolatiles Mix, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-QC-PAKVolatiles Mix, Varied conc, in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-TCLP-VOCVolatile Spiking Mix, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ULTRA-U-DWM-600-1VOC Gas Mixture 10000 µg/mL in methanol (methyl alcohol)1 x 1 mL
ULTRA-U-DWM-602-1VOC Basic Mixture 10000 µg/mL in methanol (methyl alcohol)1 x 1 mL
ULTRA-U-DWM-603-1VOC Basic Mixture 2000 µg/mL in methanol (methyl alcohol)1 x 1 mL
ULTRA-U-DWM-604-1VOC Gas Mixture 2000 µg/mL in methanol (methyl alcohol)1 x 1 mL
LM24-CP-F112781EPA-502 VOC Mixture, 54 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F129221VOC Standard Solution - 10 components (EN 13628), 200 µg/mL of each component in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (Isooctane)1 mL
LM24-CP-F232034EPA-502 VOC Mixture, 14 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F232774EPA 524 VOC Standard Solution -, 73 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F233694EPA Method 624 - VOC Standard Solution -, 26 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F233784EPA Method 8010A - VOC Calibration Standard, 15 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol (purge and trap)1 mL
LM24-CP-F890141VOC-Mix, 11 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112261.1VOC / ACs Standard Solution - 52 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112351VOC / ACs Standard Solution - 9 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F117621ACs / VOC Standard Solution - 22 components (EPA 8121) in Hexane1 mL
LM24-CP-F127701VOC Standard Solution - 60 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F127721VOC / ACs Standard Solution - 16 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F131720VOC Standard Solution - 4 components in DMSO1 mL
LM24-CP-F131740VOC Standard Solution - 4 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F131750VOC Standard Solution - 5 components in DMSO1 mL
LM24-CP-F131760VOC Standard Solution - 5 components in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F114851VOC Purgeable Gas Mixture - 5 components (EPA 601), 100 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F115841VOC Surrogate and Internal Mixture - 3 components (EPA 624), 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F115851VOC Surrogate and Internal Mixture - 3 components (EPA 624), 20000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F115861VOC Surrogate and Internal Mixture - 3 components (EPA 624), 20000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F864601Regulated VOC Mixture - 12 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F864611Promulgated VOC Mixture - 12 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F114871VOC Performance Check Solution - 8 components (EPA 601), 200 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F116091TCLP Volatiles Mixture - 11 components (EPA 1311), 1000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F890201EPA 8010 Halogenated VOC Mix - 14 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F890211VOC-Mix EPA 524 - 6 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F867541Volatiles Mixture - 1 - 11 components, 50 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F867551Volatiles Mixture - 2 - 12 components, 50 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F867561Discretionary Aromatic Volatiles Mixture (VOB) - 12 components, 50 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F860811Volatiles Calibration Check Compounds Mixture - 6 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F860821Volatiles System Performance Check Mixture - 5 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F116271Non-Halogenated Volatiles Mixture (EPA 8015A) - 4 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112911VOC Gas Mixture - 6 components according to EPA Method 502, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F861770VOC Liquid Mixture - Modified - 53 components, 200 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F861820VOC Gases - 5 components, 200 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F861900VOC Liquids - 54 components, 200 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F872091Non-Halogenated Volatiles Mix - 7 components, 100 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F899820VOC-Mixture - 10 components, 200 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F109971VOC Stock calibration standard Solution - 2 - 13 components (ISO 15680,2003), 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol5 mL
LM24-CP-F109981VOC / ACs Stock calibration standard Solution - 3 -11 components (ISO 15680,2003), 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol5 mL
LM24-CP-F109961.1VOC Stock calibration standard Solution - 1 - 13 components (ISO 15680) 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112281VOC / ACs Standard Solution - 28 components 100 mg/L of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112341VOC / ACs Standard Solution - 8 components 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112361VOC / ACs Standard Solution - 10 components 1000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL
LM24-CP-F112751AVOC Sandard Solution - 59 components, 2000 µg/mL of each component in Methanol1 mL

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