
48 products

NW-BURTAP-05***not available anymore, please ask for alternatives** Drinking water - Major ions and nutrients500 mL
RTC-QC1488-20MLWater - Trace Metals 1 - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-016-1)20 mL
RTC-QC1458-20MLWater - Trace Metals 2 - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-016-2)20 mL
RTC-QC1361-2MLWater - Bromate & Bromide - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-017-1)2 mL
RTC-QC1372-2MLWater - Chlorate & Chlorite - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-017-2)2 mL
RTC-QC1490-500MLWater- Residue - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-080)500 mL
RTC-QC1399-2MLWater- Asbestos - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-081)2 mL
RTC-QC1593-20MLWater- Ammonia - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1370)20 mL
RTC-QC1575-2MLWater- Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (TKN) - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1371)2 mL
RTC-QC1496-2MLWater- Cyanide, Total - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1372)2 mL
RTC-QC1329-2MLWater - Phenolics, Total - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1373)2 mL
RTC-QC1319-20MLWater - Acidity - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1374)20 mL
RTC-QC1549-2MLWater - Dissolved Oxygen - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1375)2 mL
RTC-QC1404-2MLWater - Oil and Grease - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1376)2 mL
RTC-QC1452-2MLWater - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1377)2 mL
RTC-QC1448-20MLWater - Trace Metals 3 - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1379)20 mL
RTC-QC1307-20MLWater - Vanadium - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-1380)20 mL
RTC-QC1337-20MLWater - Anionic Surfactant - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-203)20 mL
RTC-QC1432-20MLWater - Mercury (Low Level) - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-220)20 mL
RTC-QC1506-20MLWater - UV 254 - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-225)20 mL
RTC-QC1351-2MLWater - Perchlorate - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-226)2 mL
RTC-QC1350-20MLWater - Silica - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-227)20 mL
RTC-QC3381-500MLWater - Corrosivity/Sodium - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3010-12)500 mL
RTC-QC3364-500MLWater - Anions - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3011)500 mL
RTC-QC3308-500MLWater - TOC - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3013)500 mL
RTC-QC3342-500MLWater - Turbidity - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3014)500 mL
RTC-QC3573-500MLWater - Cyanide - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3015)500 mL
RTC-QC3488-500MLWater - Trace Metals - Water Supply (WV) Sample 1 (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3016-1)500 mL
RTC-QC3458-500MLWater - Trace Metals - Water Supply - Whole Volume Sample 2 (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3016-2)500 mL
RTC-QC3306-500MLWater - Inorganic Dis. By-Products - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3017)500 mL
RTC-QC3337-500MLWater - MBAS - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3203)500 mL
RTC-QC3432-500MLWater - Mercury (low Level) - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3220)500 mL
RTC-QC3506-500MLWater - UV254 - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3225)500 mL
RTC-QC3350-500MLWater - Silica - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3227)500 mL
RTC-QC3453-500MLWater - Chromium VI - Whole Volume - Water Supply (old RTC Part Nummer - QCI-3229)500 mL
ERM-CA011Hard drinking water - Metals250 mL
ERM-CA015Hard drinking water - Anions250 mL
ERM-CA016Soft drinking water - Anions250 mL
ERM-CA022Soft drinking water - Metals250 mL
LM-VKI-QC-DWB-10Drinking water and Groundwater - Na-K-Ca-Mg-Cl-F-SO4-HCO3-X25-pH-TS10 ampoules
LM-VKI-QC-DW4-10Drinking water and Groundwater - TOC (NVOC)10 ampoules
LM-VKI-QC-DW4-50Drinking water and Groundwater - TOC (NVOC)50 ampoules
LM24-CP-Water3.L1Water - Metals, Nitric Acid 2% (Synthetic Hard drinking water spiked)100 mL
RTC-TKN1000-100MLKjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (TKN) 1000mg/L Calibration Standard certified reference material100 mL
SCP-140-025-031Drinking water - Low level concentration (EnviroMAT TM)250 ml
SCP-140-025-131Drinking water - Low level concentration (EnviroMAT TM)2x 25 ml
SCP-140-025-032Drinking water - High level concentration (EnviroMAT TM)250 ml
SCP-140-025-132Drinking water - High level concentration (EnviroMAT TM)2x 25 ml