
581 products

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MN-743500.4NucleoFast 96 PCR Clean-up Kit (4 x 96) 4 x 96 preps for the purification of PCR products # NucleoFast 96 PCR Plates, Elution Plates U-bottom, Self-adhering Foils, bufferseach
MN-744100.1NucleoMag 96 PCR (1x96) 96 preps for the purification of PCR products - NucleoMag P-Beads, Elution Plate U-bottom, Self-adhering PE Foil, bufferseach
MN-744100.24NucleoMag 96 PCR (24 x 96) 24 x 96 preps for the purification of PCR products - NucleoMag P-Beads, Elution Plates U-bottom, Self-adhering PE Foils, bufferseach
MN-744100.4NucleoMag 96 PCR (4x96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of PCR products - NucleoMag P-Beads, Elution Plates U-bottom, Self-adhering PE Foils, bufferseach
MN-744200.1NucleoMag VET (1x96) 1 x 96 preps for the isolation of viral RNA/DNA and bacterial DNA from veterinary samples NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Carrier RNA, Proteinase K1 x 96 preps
MN-744200.4NucleoMag VET (4x96) 4 x 96 preps for the isolation of viral RNA/DNA and bacterial DNA from veterinary samples NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Carrier RNA, Proteinase K4 x 96 preps
MN-744300.1NucleoMag 96 Tissue (1x 96) 1x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from cells and tissue - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase Keach
MN-744300.24NucleoMag 96 Tissue (24x 96) 24x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from cells and tissue NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase K4x 96 preps
MN-744300.4NucleoMag 96 Tissue (4 x 96) 4 x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from cells and tissue - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase K4 x 96 preps
MN-744320.1NucleoMag DNA FFPE (1x96) 1 x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from FFPE samples - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase K1 x 96 preps
MN-744320.4NucleoMag DNA FFPE (4x96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from FFPE samples - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase K4x 96 preps
MN-744350.1NucleoMag RNA (1 x 96) 1 x 96 preps for the purification of total RNA - NucleoMag B-Beads, Buffers, Reducing Agent TCEP, RNase-free rDNase1 x 96 preps
MN-744350.4NucleoMag RNA (4x 96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of total RNA - NucleoMag B-Beads, Buffers, RNase-free rDNase, Reducing Agent TCEP4x 96 preps
MN-744400.1NucleoMag 96 Plant (1x 96) 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from plant - NucleoMag C-Beads, Elution Plate U-bottom, buffers, RNase Aeach
MN-744400.24NucleoMag 96 Plant (24 x 96) 24 x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from plant - NucleoMag C-Beads, Elution Plates U-bottom, Buffers, RNase A4 x 96 preps
MN-744400.4NucleoMag 96 Plant (4 x 96) 4 x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from plant - NucleoMag C-Beads, Elution Plate U-bottom, buffers, RNase A4 x 96 preps
MN-744501.1NucleoMag Blood 200 µL (1x 96) 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from blood - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase Keach
MN-744501.4NucleoMag Blood 200 µL (4x96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from blood - NucleoMag B-Beads, Buffers, Proteinase K4x 96 preps
MN-744502.1NucleoMag Blood 3 mL (1 x 96) 96 preps for the purification of genomic DNA from blood - NucleoMag B-Beads, Buffers, Proteinase Keach
MN-744600.1NucleoMag Trace (1x 96) 1x 96 preps for the purification of DNA from forensic samples - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase Keach
MN-744600.24NucleoMag Trace (24x 96) 24x 96 preps for the purification of DNA from forensic samples - NucleoMag B-Beads, buffers, Proteinase K4x 96 preps
MN-744600.4NucleoMag Trace (4x 96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of DNA from forensic samples - NucleoMag B-Beads, Buffers, Proteinase K4x 96 preps
MN-744650.1NucleoMag Forensic (1x96) 1x 96 preps for the purification of DNA from forensic samples - NucleoMag F-Beads, buffers, Proteinase Keach
MN-744650.4NucleoMag Forensic (4 x 96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of DNA from forensic samples - NucleoMag F-Beads, buffers, Proteinase K4x 96 preps
MN-744800.1NucleoMag 96 Virus (1 x 96) 96 preps for the isolation of viral RNA and DNA - NucleoMag V-Beads, Buffers, Carrier RNA, Proteinase Keach
MN-744800.4NucleoMag 96 Virus (4 x 96) 4 x 96 preps for the isolation of viral RNA and DNA - NucleoMag V-Beads, Buffers, Carrier RNA, Proteinase K4 x 96 preps
MN-744866.80Buffer MV1 (80 mL) Lysis Buffer MV1 bottle of 80 mL80 mL
MN-744867.120Buffer MV2 (250 mL) Binding Buffer MV2 bottle of 250 mL250 mL
MN-744868.100Buffer MV3 (100 mL) Wash Buffer MV3 bottle of 100 mL100 mL
MN-744869.100Buffer MV4 (100 mL) Wash Buffer MV4 bottle of 100 mL100 mL
MN-744870.110Buffer MV5 (125 mL) Wash Buffer MV5 bottle of 125 mL125 mL
MN-744871.40Buffer MV6 (60 mL) Elution Buffer MV6 bottle of 60 mL60 mL
MN-744900NucleoMag SEP magnetic separator, for use with 96-well plateseach
MN-744901NucleoMag SEP Mini magnetic separator, for use with 12 x 1.5 mL or 2 mL reaction tubeseach
MN-744902NucleoMag SEP Maxi magnetic separator, for use with 4 x 50 mL Falcon Tubeseach
MN-744950KingFisher 96 Accessory Kit A for 4 x 96 NucleoMag Tissue / Trace / Virus preps using a King Fisher 96 platform - Square-well Blocks, Deep-well Tip Combs, Elution Plateseach
MN-744951KingFisher 96 Accessory Kit B for 4 x 96 of NucleoMag Blood 200 µL and NucleoMag 96 Plant / RNA preps using a King Fisher 96 platform - Square-well Blocks, Deep-well Tip Combs, Elution Plateseach
MN-744952KingFisher Duo Accessory Kit for 96 preps using a KingFisher Duo96 platform - 8 KingFisher Deep-well Blocks, 8 KingFisher DuoTip Combs 8 KingFisher Elution Stripseach
MN-744953KingFisher 24 Accessory Kit for 5 x 24 preps with NucleoMag Blood 3 mL kit using a KingFisher Flex 24 platform KingFisher 24 Deep-well Plates, KingFisher 24 Flex Tip Combeach
MN-744970.5NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select Clean-up and size selection for NGS library preparations - NucleoMag Beads in binding buffer, Pack of 5 mL5 mL
MN-744970.50NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select Clean-up and size selection for NGS library preparations - NucleoMag Beads in binding buffer, Pack of 50 mLpack of 50
MN-744970.500NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select Clean-up and size selection for NGS library preparations - NucleoMag Beads in binding buffer, Pack of 500 mL500 mL
MN-745100.10Protino Ni-TED 150 Packed Columns (10) 10 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-TED 150 Packed Columns, buffers bufferseach
MN-745100.50Protino Ni-TED 150 Packed Columns (50) 50 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-TED 150 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745110.5Protino Ni-TED 1000 Packed Columns (5) 5 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-TED 1000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745110.50Protino Ni-TED 1000 Packed Columns (50) 50 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-TED 1000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745120.25Protino Ni-TED 2000 Packed Columns (25) 25 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-TED 2000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745120.5Protino Ni-TED 2000 Packed Columns (5) 5 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-TED 2000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745150.10Protino Ni-IDA 150 Packed Columns (10) 10 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA 150 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745150.50Protino Ni-IDA 150 Packed Columns (50) 50 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA 150 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745160.5Protino Ni-IDA 1000 Packed Columns (5) 5 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA 1000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745160.50Protino Ni-IDA 1000 Packed Columns (50) 50 preps for the purification of His-tag Proteins - Protino Ni-IDA 1000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745170.25Protino Ni-IDA 2000 Packed Columns (25) 25 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA 2000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745170.5Protino Ni-IDA 2000 Packed Columns (5) 5 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA 2000 Packed Columns, bufferseach
MN-745200.120Protino Ni-TED Resin (120 g) Protino Ni-TED Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 120 g120 g
MN-745200.30Protino Ni-TED Resin (30 g) Protino Ni-TED Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 30 g30 g
MN-745200.5Protino Ni-TED Resin (5 g) Protino Ni-TED Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 5 g5 g
MN-745200.600Protino Ni-TED Resin (600 g) Protino Ni-TED Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 600 g600 g
MN-745210.120Protino Ni-IDA Resin (120 g) Protino Ni-IDA Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 120 g120 g
MN-745210.30Protino Ni-IDA Resin (30 g) Protino Ni-IDA Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 30 g30 g
MN-745210.5Protino Ni-IDA Resin (5 g) Protino Ni-IDA Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 5 g5 g
MN-745210.600Protino Ni-IDA Resin (600 g) Protino Ni-IDA Resin for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 600 g600 g
MN-745250.10Protino Columns 14 mL (10) empty gravity-flow columns for use with, e.g., Protino resins, filter frits pack of 10pack of 10
MN-745255.10Protino Columns 35 mL (10 columns) empty columns for gravity-flow use with, e.g., Protino resins, filter frits pack of 10pack of 10
MN-745300.1Protino 96 Ni-IDA (1 x 96) 1 x 96 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA Plate, bufferseach
MN-745300.4Protino 96 Ni-IDA (4 x 96) 4x 96 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Ni-IDA Plates, bufferseach
MN-745400.100Protino Ni-NTA Agarose (100 mL) Protino Ni-NTA suspension for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 100 mL settled beaded agarosepack of 100
MN-745400.25Protino Ni-NTA Agarose (25 mL) Protino Ni-NTA suspension for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 25 mL settled beaded agarosePK
MN-745400.500Protino Ni-NTA Agarose (500 mL) Protino Ni-NTA suspension for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 500 mL settled beaded agarose500 mL
MN-745410.5Protino Ni-NTA Columns 1 mL (5) FPLC columns (1 mL) for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 5PK
MN-745415.1Protino Ni-NTA Column 5 mL (1) FPLC column (5 mL) for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 1PK
MN-745415.5Protino Ni-NTA Columns 5 mL (5) FPLC columns (5 mL) for the purification of His-tag proteins pack of 5PK
MN-745425.1Protino 96 Ni-NTA (1 x 96) 1x 96 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino Purification Plate, Protino Ni-NTA Agarose, bufferseach
MN-745425.4Protino 96 Ni-NTA (4 x 96) 4 x 96 preps for the purification of His-tag proteins - Protino 96 Ni-NTA Plates, Protino Ni-NTA Agarose, bufferseach
MN-745426.1Protino Purification Plate (1) 96-well plate with special filter frit suitable for centrifugation and vacuum pack of 1pack of 1
MN-745426.4Protino Purification Plate (4) 96-well plate with special filter frit suitable for centrifugation and vacuum pack of 4PK
MN-745500.10Protino Glutathione Agarose 4B (10 mL) Protino Glutathione Agarose 4B suspension for the purification of GST-tag proteins pack of 10 mL settled beaded agarosepack of 10
MN-745500.100Protino Glutathione Agarose 4B (100 mL) Protino Glutathione Agarose 4B suspension for the purification of GST-tag proteins pack of 100 mL settled beaded agarosepack of 100
MN-745510.5Protino GST/4B Columns 1 mL (5) FPLC columns (1 mL) for purification of GST-tag proteins pack of 5PK
MN-745515.1Protino GST/4B Column 5 mL (1) FPLC column (5 mL) for purification of GST-tag proteins pack of 1PK
MN-745515.5Protino GST/4B Columns 5 mL (5) FPLC columns (5 mL) for purification of GST-tag proteins pack of 5PK

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