
13 products

NRC-CRM-AZA3Azaspiracid-3 standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-DTX1Dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1) in Methanol (18.5 0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-SPX113-Desmethyl Spirolide C standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-hYTX1-Homoyessotoxin (hYTX) standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-PTX2-bPectenotoxin-2 (PTX2) standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-GYM-bGymnodimine (GYM) standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-AZA2-bAzaspiracid-2 (AZA2) standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-AZA1-bAzaspiracid-1 standard solution in Methanolapprox. 0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-OA-dOkadaic acid standard solution in methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-DTX2-bDinophysistoxin-2 (DTX2) in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-PnTX-GPinnatoxin-G (PnTX-G) in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-CRM-YTX-cYessotoxin (YTX) standard solution in Methanol0,5 mL
NRC-RM-AZA123Mixture of Azaspiracid 1 (AZA1), AZA2 and AZA3 in Methanolapprox. 0,5 mL