
940 products

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ACCU-M-527-PEST-BMethod 527 Pesticide Standard B, 500 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-531-REGRegulated Pesticide Mixture, 0,1 mg/mL in Acetonitrile1 mL
ACCU-M-531-REG-ASLCarbamate Pesticide Mix, 100 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-531-REG-ASL-PAKCarbamate Pesticide Mix, 100 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-608-1Pesticide Mixture, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-615A-ASLMethod 615 Underivatized Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-615A-ASL-PAKMethod 615 Underivatized Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-615-ASLMethod 615 Methyl Derivatives of Chlorinated Herbicides Standard, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-615-ASL-PAKMethod 615 Methyl Derivatives of Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-617-2Method 617 - Chlorinated Pesticides - Mix 2, 2,0 mg/mL in Hexane:Toluene (1:1)1 mL
ACCU-M-619MMethod 619 - Triazine Herbicides Mix, 0,1 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-619-SETMethod 619 - Triazine Herbicides11 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-625PPesticide Extractables Mixture, 20 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-625P-PAKPesticide Extractables Mixture, 20 µg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-627Dinitroaniline Pesticide Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-627-RDinitroaniline Pesticide Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-632MCarbamates & Urea Pesticides in Waste Water, 0,1 mg/mL in Acetonitrile1 mL
ACCU-M-632M-10XCarbamates & Urea Pesticides in Waste Water, 1000 µg/mL in Acetonitrile1 mL
ACCU-M-632-SETCarbamates & Urea Pesticides in Waste Water21 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-633Organonitrogen Pesticides Mix, 0,1 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-645Amine Pesticides Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Hexane:Acetone (80:20)1 mL
ACCU-M-680PPesticide Mix, Varied conc, in Toluene:Hexane1 mL
ACCU-M-680P-MLCPesticide Mid-Level Mix, Varied conc, in Toluene:Hexane1 mL
ACCU-M-680P-MLC-PAKPesticide Mid-Level Mix, Varied conc, in Toluene:Hexane5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-680P-PAKPesticide Mix, Varied conc, in Toluene:Hexane5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8080Organochlorine Pesticides, 2,0 mg/mL in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-8080A-ASLMethod 8080A - Organochlorine Pesticides Mix, Varied conc, in Hexane:Toluene1 mL
ACCU-M-8080A-ASL-PAKMethod 8080A - Organochlorine Pesticides Mix, Varied conc, in Hexane:Toluene5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8080-PAKOrganochlorine Pesticides, 2,0 mg/mL in Acetone5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8080-QC-ROrganochlorine Pesticides, Varied conc, in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-8080-QC-R-PAKOrganochlorine Pesticides, Varied conc, in Acetone5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8081A-SCOrganochlorine Pesticide Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Hexane:Toluene (1:1)1 mL
ACCU-M-8081A-SC-PAKOrganochlorine Pesticide Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Hexane:Toluene (1:1)5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8081A-SC-ROrganochlorine Pesticide Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Hexane:Toluene (50:50)1 mL
ACCU-M-8081A-SC-R-PAKOrganochlorine Pesticide Mix, 1000 µg/mL in Hexane:Toluene (50:50)5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8085-C1Chlorinated Pesticide Mix # 1, 2,5 µg/mL in Hexane5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-C2Chlorinated Pesticide Mix # 2, Varied conc, in Hexane5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-H1-MHerbicides as Methyl Derivatives Mix #1, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-H2-MHerbicides as Methyl Derivatives Mix #2, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-N1Nitrogen-Containing Pesticides Mix #1, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-N2Nitrogen Containing Pesticides Mix #2, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-N3Nitrogen Containing Pesticides Mix #3, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-P1Organo Phosphorous Pesticide Mix #1, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8085-P2Organo Phosphorous Pesticide Mix # 2, Varied conc, in MtBE5 mL
ACCU-M-8140MOrgano Phosphorous Pesticides Mix, 40 µg/mL in Hexane:Acetone (95:5)1 mL
ACCU-M-8140M-5XOrgano Phosphorous Pesticides Mix, 0,2 mg/mL in Hexane:Acetone (95:5)1 mL
ACCU-M-8140M-5X-PAKOrgano Phosphorous Pesticides Mix, 0,2 mg/mL in Hexane:Acetone (95:5)5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8140M-PAKOrgano Phosphorous Pesticides Mix, 40 µg/mL in Hexane:Acetone (95:5)5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8140-SETOrgano Phosphorous Pesticides20 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150Methyl Derivatives of Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-CAL-SET7-Point Phenoxy-Herbicide Curve7 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-LPC-5MLHerbicide Laborotory Performance Check, Varied conc, in Isooctane5 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-MS-WL-10MLHerbicide Acids Matrix Spike, Varied conc, in Methanol10 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-MS-WL-25MLHerbicide Acids Matrix Spike, Varied conc, in Methanol25 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-MS-WL-50MLHerbicide Acids Matrix Spike, Varied conc, in Methanol50 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WLPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 1, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-10XPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 4, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-10X-10MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane10 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-10X-25MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane25 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-10X-50MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane50 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-25XPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 5, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-25X-10MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane10 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-25X-25MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane25 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-25X-50MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane50 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-2XPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 2, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-35XPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 6, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-4XPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 3, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-4X-10MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane10 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-4X-25MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane25 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-4X-50MLPhenoxy-Herbicide High Level Daily QC, Varied conc, in Isooctane50 mL
ACCU-M-8150/51-WL-50XPhenoxy-Herbicide Mix - Level 7, Varied conc, in Isooctane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150AUnderivatized Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-8150A-PAKUnderivatized Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150A-SETChlorinated Herbicides Acids (Underivatized)10 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150MMethod 8150 Mix - Methyl Der., 20,0 µg/mL in Hexane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150M-2MCPA methyl ester & MCPP methyl ester, 2,0 mg/mL in Hexane1 mL
ACCU-M-8150M-2-PAKMCPA methyl ester & MCPP methyl ester, 2,0 mg/mL in Hexane5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150M-AUnderivatized Chlorinated Herbicides Mix, 0,2 mg/mL in Methanol1 mL
ACCU-M-8150M-A-PAKUnderivatized Chlorinated Herbicides Mix, 0,2 mg/mL in Methanol5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150M-PAKMethod 8150 Mix - Methyl Der., 20,0 µg/mL in Hexane5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150M-SETMethyl Derivative Solutions Set2 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8150-SETChlorinated Herbicides as Methyl Derivatives10 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8151Chlorinated Herbicides Methyl Derivatives by GC, Varied conc, in MtBE1 mL
ACCU-M-8151AUnderivatized Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-8151A-PAKUnderivatized Chlorinated Herbicides, Varied conc, in Acetone5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-09-ASLMethod 8270B - Organophosphorous Pesticide Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-10-ASLMethod 8270B - Pesticide Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-14-ASLMethod 8270B - Organochlorine Pesticide Mix, 2,0 mg/mL in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-16Method 8270C/D Pesticides Standard, 1000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-17Method 8270C/D Pesticides, 1000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-18Method 8270C/D Carbamates/Pesticides, 1000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-19Method 8270C/D Pesticides Standard, 1000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-20Method 8270C/D Pesticides, 1000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)1 mL
ACCU-M-8270-21Method 8270 Pesticide Additions Standard, 2,0 mg/mL in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-8321-HERBChlorinated Phenoxyacid Herbicides (as acids & esters), 0,1 mg/mL in Acetonitrile1 mL
ACCU-M-8321-OPOrganophosphorous Pesticides, 0,1 mg/mL in Acetonitrile1 mL
ACCU-M-CHP-1Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides Mix 1, Varied conc, in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-CHP-1-PAKChlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides - Mix 1, Varied conc, in Acetone5 x 1 mL
ACCU-M-CHP-2Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides - Mix 2, Varied conc, in Acetone1 mL
ACCU-M-CHP-2-PAKChlorinated Hydrocarbon Pesticides - Mix 2, Varied conc, in Acetone5 x 1 mL

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