
414 products

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CANMET-TILL-1Soil Sample100 g
CANMET-TILL-2Till Sample100 g
CANMET-TILL-3Soil Sample100 g
CANMET-TILL-4***out of stock - not available*** Till Sample100 g
NIST-2701Contaminated soil - Hexavalent chromium (high level)75 g
NIST-2709aSan Joaquin soil - Trace and constituent elements (baseline)50 g
NIST-2710aMontana I soil - Trace and const. elements (highly elevated)50 g
NIST-2711aMontana II Soil - Trace and constituent elements (mod. elevated)50 g
NIST-4353ARocky Flats Soil Number 2 - Radioactivity90 g
BAM-U019Soil - Polychlorinated biphenyls 106 g
BAM-U110Contaminated Soil - Trace elements60 g
BAM-U113Contaminated Soil - Trace elements40 g
ERM-CC008Soil - Pentachlorophenol (BAM-U008)30 g
ERM-CC009Soil - Pentachlorophenol 2,91 mg/kg certified, (BAM-U009)30 g
ERM-CC010***low stock - please ask*** Soil - AOX (DIN 38414 Part 18), (BAM-U010)5,7 g
NCS DC73023Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73024Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73026Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73027Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73028Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73029Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73030Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73031Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73032Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC73033Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC85107Soil, CRM, Agricultural Soil70 g (powder)
NCS DC85108Soil, CRM, Agricultural Soil70 g (powder)
NCS DC85109Soil, CRM, Agricultural Soil70 g (powder)
NCS DC85110Soil, CRM, Agricultural Soil70 g (powder)
NCS DC85111Soil, CRM, Agricultural Soil70 g (powder)
NCS DC85112Soil, CRM, Agricultural Soil70 g (powder)
NCS DC87101Soil, CRM100 g (powder)
NCS DC87102Soil, CRM100 g (powder)
NCS DC87103Soil, CRM100 g (powder)
NCS DC87104Soil, CRM100 g (powder)
NCS DC87105Soil, CRM100 g (powder)
NCS ZC73003Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS ZC73005Soil, CRM70 g (powder)
NCS DC85102aSoil Nutrients, CRM, please ask for specifications500 g (powder)
NCS DC85103aSoil Nutrients, CRM, please ask for specifications500 g (powder)
NCS DC85105aSoil Nutrients, CRM, please ask for specifications500 g (powder)
AP-METRANAL-9Quality control material (QCM) - Industrial sandy-loam soil - Metals50 g
AP-METRANAL-17Quality control material - Set of three environmental samples (soil, sewage sludge, fly ash) for the determination of mercury from solid samples3 x 15 g
AP-METRANAL-22Quality control material - Industrial polluted land (metals)40 g
AP-METRANAL-31Quality control material - Light sandy soil (metals), normal analyte levels80 g
AP-METRANAL-32Quality control material - Light sandy soil (metals), elevated analyte levels80 g
AP-METRANAL-33Quality control material - Clay loam soil (metals), normal analyte levels80 g
RTC-CLNLOAM6-100GClean Loam Soil100 g
RTC-CLNLOAM6-250GClean Loam Soil, 250g250 g
RTC-CLNSAND4-100GClean Sand No 4100 g
RTC-CLNSAND4-250GClean Sand No 4, 250g250 g
RTC-CLNSED2-100GClean Sediment No 2100 g
RTC-CLNSED2-250GClean Sediment No 2, 250g250 g
RTC-CLNSLUDGE7-10GClean Sludge10 g
RTC-CLNSOIL1-100GClean Soil No 1, 100g100 g
RTC-CLNSOIL1-250GClean Soil No 1, 250g250 g
RTC-CLNSOIL2-100GClean Soil No 2, 100g100 g
RTC-CLNSOIL2-250GClean Soil No 2, 250g250 g
RTC-CLNSOIL3-100GClean Soil No 3, 100g100 g
RTC-CLNSOIL3-250GClean Soil No 3, 250g250 g
RTC-CLNSOIL5-100GClean Clay No 5, 100g100 g
RTC-CLNSOIL5-250GClean Clay No 5, 250g250 g
RTC-COS-BLNK-100gmCanadian Oil Sand - blank100 g
RTC-CRM004-100GDiatomaceous Earth - Trace Metals100 g
RTC-CRM005-50GSewage Amended Soil - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM020-50GSandy Loam 2 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM021-100GSandy Loam 3 - Trace Metals100 g
RTC-CRM022-20GLoam 5 - Trace Metals/Cyan20 g
RTC-CRM023-50GSandy Loam 7 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM024-50GLoamy Sand 1 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM025-50GSandy Loam 8 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM026-50GSandy Loam 9 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM027-50GSandy Loam 10 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM028-50GSandy Loam 11 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM030-50GSandy Loam 2 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM033-50GLoamy Sand 10 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM034-50GLoamy Sand 3 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM036-50GLoamy Sand 4 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM041-30GSoil - Chromium VI30 g
RTC-CRM042-50GLoam 3 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM044-50GSilt Loam 1 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM045-50GSilty Clay 1 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM046-50GClay 1 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM048-50GSand 1 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM051-50GClay 2 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM052-50GLoamy Clay 1 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM059-50GLoamy Clay 2 - Trace Metals50 g
RTC-CRM060-30GClay - Chromium VI30 g
RTC-CRM061-30GSandy Loam - Chromium VI30 g
RTC-CRM090-100GClay Soil - Nutrients100 g
RTC-CRM091-100GSandy Loam - Nutrients100 g
RTC-CRM092-100GSand - Nutrients100 g
RTC-CRM107-100GSandy Loam 9 - BNAs/Pesticides/Nit/Nit100 g
RTC-CRM110-100GSandy Loam 2 - BNAs100 g
RTC-CRM113-100GLoamy Sand 1 - BNAs100 g
RTC-CRM114-100GLoam 1 - BNAs100 g
RTC-CRM115-100GLoamy Sand 1 - PAH100 g
RTC-CRM122-100GSoil 1 - BNAs100 g
RTC-CRM126-100GClay Loam 1 - BNAs100 g
RTC-CRM128-10GSandy Loam 1 - Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamin10 g

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