
414 products

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RTC-CRM918-50GSandy Loam - PCB 125450 g
RTC-CRM919-50GSandy Loam - PCB 122150 g
RTC-CRM921-50GSandy Loam - PCB 124250 g
RTC-CRM922-50GLoam - PCB 101650 g
RTC-CRM923-50GSilt Loam - PCB 125450 g
RTC-CRM924-50GSilt Loam - PCB 124250 g
RTC-CRM927-50GClay Loam - PCB 124250 g
RTC-CRM961-50GClay - PCB Congeners50 g
RTC-CRM962-50GLoamy Sand - PCB Congeners50 g
RTC-CRM963-50GSilty Loam - PCB Congeners50 g
RTC-CRM981-10GSoil - Dioxins10 g
RTC-MSH100-50GLoam - High Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH101-50GLoam - High As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH200-50GClay - High Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH201-50GClay - High As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH300-50GSand - High Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH301-50GSand - High As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH400-50GSandy - Loam High Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH401-50GSandy - Loam High As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH500-50GLoamy - Clay High Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH501-50GLoamy Clay - High As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH600-50GSiO2 - High Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSH601-50GSiO2 - High As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL100-50GLoam - Low Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL101-50GLoam - Low As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL200-50GClay - Low Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL201-50GClay - Low As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL300-50GSand - Low Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL301-50GSand - Low As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL400-50GSandy Loam - Low Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL401-50GSandy Loam - Low As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL500-50GLoamy Clay - Low Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL501-50GLoamy Clay - Low As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL600-50GSiO2 - Low Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSL601-50GSiO2 - Low As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM100-50GLoam - Medium Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM101-50GLoam - Medium As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM200-50GClay - Medium Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM201-50GClay - Medium As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM300-50GSand - Medium Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM301-50GSand - Medium As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM400-50GSandy Loam - Medium Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM401-50GSandy Loam - Medium As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM500-50GLoamy Clay - Medium Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM501-50GLoamy Clay - Medium As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM600-50GSiO2 - Medium Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-MSM601-50GSiO2 - Medium As, Co, Hg, Zn (for XRF analysis)50 g
RTC-SQC001-50GSoil - Metals (for analysis by AA or ICP methods)50 g
RTC-SQC002H-25GSoil - VOAs - Medium Level (for analysis by EPA method 8260)25 g
RTC-SQC002L-30GSoil - VOAS - Low Level (for analysis by EPA method 8260)30 g
RTC-SQC003-40GSoil - BNAs (for analysis be EPA method 8270)40 g
RTC-SQC004-50GSoil - Herbicides (for analysis by EPA methods 8151 and 8270)50 g
RTC-SQC005-225GSoil - TCLP Metals (for extraction and analysis by EPA method 1311)225 g
RTC-SQC006-225GSoil - CA WET Metals (for extraction and analysis for the 16 CA-Waste Extraction Test metals)225 g
RTC-SQC007-100GSoil - Diesel (for analysis by modified EPA method 8015 and NWTPH-Dx)100 g
RTC-SQC007AK-100GSoil - Diesel (for analysis by EPA method 8015M and AK102)100 g
RTC-SQC007MA-40GSoil - Diesel - EPH (for analysis of various EPH ranges and other diesel components)40 g
RTC-SQC007WA-100GSoil - Diesel - WA 8for analysis by EPA method 8015M and WA DRO)100 g
RTC-SQC007WI-100GSoil - Diesel - WI (for analysis by EPA method 8015M and WI DRO)100 g
RTC-SQC008-30GSoil - Gasoline (for analysis by Purge and Trap, modified EPA method 8015, 8021, and NWTPH-Gx)30 g
RTC-SQC008AK-25GSoil - Gasoline (for analysis by EPA methods 8015M and AK 101)25 g
RTC-SQC008MA-3GSoil - Gasoline by MA Methods (For analysis of various VPH ranges and other gasoline components)3 g
RTC-SQC008WA-30GSoil - Gasoline - WA (for analysis for EPA methods 8015M and WA GRO)30 g
RTC-SQC008WI-25GSoil - Gasoline by WI Method (for analysis by EPA methods 8015M and WI DRO)25 g
RTC-SQC009-50GSoil - Chlorinated Pesticides (to be analyzed using methods 8081A and 8270C)50 g
RTC-SQC010-50GSoil - PCB (for analysis by EPA method 8082)50 g
RTC-SQC012-30GSoil - Chromium (VI) (for analysis by all promulgated hexavalent chromium methods including 7196 and 7199)30 g
RTC-SQC013-30GSoil - Anions 30 g
RTC-SQC014-100GSoil - Nutrients 100 g
RTC-SQC015-225GSoil - TCLP Semi-VOAs (for extraction by EPA Method 1311)225 g
RTC-SQC016-10GSoil - Dioxin & Furans (for analysis by EPA methods 8280A and 8290)10 g
RTC-SQC017-40GSoil - PAHs (for analysis by EPA method 8100/8310)40 g
RTC-SQC018-40GSoil - Phenols (for analysis by EPA method 8041)40 g
RTC-SQC019-100GSoil - TRPH-IR Screen ( for analysis by IR Screen and for EPA method 418)100 g
RTC-SQC021-50GSoil - Organophosphorus Pesticides (for analysis by EPA method 8141)50 g
RTC-SQC022-30GSoil - Nitrosamines/Nitroaromatics (for analysis by EPA method 8330)30 g
RTC-SQC023-100GSoil - Corrosivity (for analysis by EPA methods 9040B and 9045C)100 g
RTC-SQC024-30GSoil - Reactivity - Cyanide30 g
RTC-SQC025-30GSoil - BTEX/MTBE (for analysis by EPA methods 8021 and 8260)30 g
RTC-SQC025AK-25GSoil - BTEX/MTBE (for analysis by EPA methods 8021, 8260, and AK101)25 g
RTC-SQC025WI-25GSoil - -BTEX/MTBE in Soil - WI Method25 g
RTC-SQC026-100GSoil - TPH (anlaysis by EPA methods 413, 418, and 1664)100 g
RTC-SQC026AK-100GSoil - Residual Range Organics (RRO), C25-C36 (a blend of 30w and 40w oil for analysis by gravimetric or AK103 method)100 g
RTC-SQC026NJ-100gSoil - NJDEP EPH100 g
RTC-SQC026TX-1KTSoil - TPH (High and Low Set) (RTC-SQC026TXH-30G and RTC-SQC026TXL-30G)kit
RTC-SQC026TXH-30GSoil - TPH - High30 g
RTC-SQC026TXL-30GSoil - TPH - Low30 g
RTC-SQC027-50GSoil - Chlordane in Soil (for use with EPA methods 8081 and 8270)50 g
RTC-SQC028-50GSoil - Toxaphene in Soil50 g
RTC-SQC030-50GSoil - Carbamates pesticides50 g
RTC-SQC-031KSoil - Complete UST QC Set (contains each one unit of RTC-025-30G, QC1642-2ML, RTC-007-100G, RTC-007-100G, RTC-QC1708-2ML, RTC-008-30G, RTC-QC1798-2ML, RTC-026-100G, RTC-QC1800-2ML)set
RTC-SQC-032KUST Soil Set (contains each one unit of RTC-SQC025-30G, RTC-SQC007-100G, RTC-SQC008-30G, RTC-SQC026-100G)set
RTC-SQC-034AKSoil - Alaska UST Kit (contains each one unit of RTC-SQC025AK-25G, RTC-QC1608-2ML, RTC-SQC007AK-100G, RTC-QC1779-2ML, RTC-SQC008AK-25G, RTC-SQC026AK-100G)kit
RTC-SQC-035KSoil - BNA/Pesticides Kit (contains each one unit of RTC-SQC003-40G and RTC-SQC009-50G)set
RTC-SQC037-100GSoil - Oil and Grease100 g
RTC-SQC038-100gSoil - Phenolics (TOX) (to be analyzed using EPA methods 9020B, 9065, 9066 and 9067)100 g
RTC-SQC068-50GSoil - PCB Congeners50 g
RTC-SQC071-30GSoil - Uranium (for analysis by EPA methods 6020)30 g
RTC-SQC073-30GSoil - Organo-Tin30 g
RTC-SQC082-100GSoil - Solids100 g

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